Connecting education and emerging technologies is essential to the growth and advancement of our civilization and MANTISEdu is quickly establishing themselves as a leader in introducing students K-12, to amazing technologies such as the Internet of Things(IOT), artificial intelligence, robotics and hydroponics. With scratch enabled sensors, lesson plans and intelligence modified kits, MantisEdu provides students with hand on experiences that motivates them to develop ideas and create solutions that will enhance the lives of future generations.
As featured by Microsoft at its annual conference, Microsoft Builds, MantisEdu has intertwined Microsoft’s MakeCode with its sensor-controlled technology. The Microsoft Builds session, led by Microsoft’s developer Scott Hanselman, highlighted MantisEdu’s ClimateTag’s use of Scratch to collect data and create a real time weather dashboard using WunderGround. Being featured in Microsoft’s conference gives MantisEdu validates MantisEdu’s ability to stamp its place among other industry leaders such as other MakeCode users Micro Bit, Minecraft, Adafruit, and Lego. MakeCode will be an essential component in MantisEdu’s introduction of technology to students during the various summer camps they will be hosting throughout this summer.
With lesson plans and SCRATCH enabled sensors such as the MantisEdu ClimateTag, the physical and virtual camps will give students the opportunity to develop codes that are utilized by the sensors for data collection. Students will also learn how to interpret the data and develop solutions that will help solve some of today’s real-life issues. The ClimateTag, which provides environmental data that records real time temperature, barometric pressure, relative humidity, UV light, and ambient light, can also be used for personal use for novelists and homeschoolers. If interested in purchasing the MantisEdu click here.
Along with MakeCode, MantisEdu also uses WunderGround as an added component to their sensor technology education. Recently MANTISEdu created a weather gauging dashboard by incorporating WunderGround’s data. A major user of WunderGround for weather data is the Associated Press, they also have several Google Chrome extensions and applications for iPhone, iPad, and Android. WunderGround is the first weather service to provide real-time weather information over the internet and they provide information garnered from the National Weather Service and the use of over 250,000 personal weather stations.
MANTISEdu is committed to preparing students for the careers of tomorrow. By making technologies such as MakeCode, the Climate Tag, and WunderGround available in the classrooms, MantisEdu continues its mission to introduce forward thinking concepts and ideas that enables every student to build intelligence connected prototypes that will become actual implementations for future human challenges.